On Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 3:21:54 PM UTC Michael Orlitzky wrote:

On Wed, 2024-01-10 at 06:49 -0800, William Stein wrote: 
> Dear Sage Developers, 
> 1. There are over 20 pull requests labeled as "disputed" [1]. To 
> resolve these pull requests, we will be appointing an editor with no 
> direct involvement in the pull request to make a judgement call on 
> that particular pull request. We will then fully support the 
> decision of this editor. If you have the time to be the (possibly 
> anonymous) editor for a disputed pull request, please email us 
> (wst...@gmail.com, vbrau...@gmail.com) and we'll add your name to 
> our list. 

Many of these are disputed for the same underlying reasons. Appointing 
a different editor for each PR is not likely to help. If you pick an 
editor from Camp A, he or she will always rule in favor of Camp A; pick 
an editor from Camp B... 

The camps are roughly split across the question whether
Sage the distro should be deemphasized, and the development
process should be centered around sagelib, or not.

As well, and it's not a coincidence, roughly the same partition
is on the basis of the developer platform used by the camp member.
It appears that the Linux users are primarily for deemphasizing 
Sage the distro, and macOS user are primarily against.

I suspect it's due to the latter used to Sage the distro as a "missing macOS
package manager". 
So they are happy adding more and more spkgs to Sage.
And Linux users rightly see adding to Sage spkgs, which
package software available on their systems in a regular way,
as a bloat, which moreover needs constant attention - 
while sagelib suffers.

I don't think that without solving this conflict the disputed PRs
dispute can be solved.

I may go on discussing how the Sage macOS problems may be
mitigated, but not here and now.


I foresee several problems resulting: 

1. We'll wind up with disputes about how the editor was chosen in 
place of disputed PRs. 

2. The editor is essentially ruling in favor of a development 
philosophy, and it would make little sense to rule against 
the opinion of the majority of sage developers (if there is 
such a thing). 

3. It often doesn't make sense to rule in favor of Camp A for 
one PR and Camp B for another. 

4. It enables editor shopping and PR ping pong. Rule against me 
the first time? I can try again in two weeks and hope for a 
different editor. 

Different journal editors can accept competing publications without 
much harm, but here that's not the case. 

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