On 2024-04-15 04:20:59, kcrisman wrote:
> The real question is about *users* in this case, not developers.

The solution for users is pretty simple. You should be able to install
a sage that works and will remain working with one command using
homebrew, conda, guix, etc. The reason you can't is because Sage is,
and has always been, hostile to it.

We (not just Sage, but you and I!) have been discussing this for
almost 15 years. Based on that number you would think that packaging
involves some deep question in software architecture, but it
doesn't. I package hundreds of other programs. They're all easy to
install and work great. Sage is the _one_ project that is a PITA. If
you want to use GAP or Octave, no problem. No way to prevent this,
says only country where this regularly happens.

SageMath has several other long-term contributors who also package
software. We're all roughly on the same page about what it would take
to fix the sage installation for end users. Eventually it might make
sense to listen to the people who have succeeded at the task before.

>  We need something approximating this sort of summit now to resolve these 
> issues - and I certainly do think there is an acceptable solution out there.

The solution to this social problem is once again quite simple. The
people who want to work on the sage distribution should be allowed to
work on the sage distribution, and the people who don't should be
allowed not to. But so far, every attempt to disentangle the
library/distribution to enable this division of labor has been met
with resistance by essentially one person.

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