On Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 5:41 PM kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We (not just Sage, but you and I!) have been discussing this for
> almost 15 years.
> Haha, true!
> SageMath has several other long-term contributors who also package
> software. We're all roughly on the same page about what it would take
> to fix the sage installation for end users.
> And some of these people (perhaps kiwifb?) have not been as directly
> involved in some of the recent disputes.   Maybe there is a path forward (I
> also presume the CoCC is thinking about this).
> But so far, every attempt to disentangle the
> library/distribution to enable this division of labor has been met
> with resistance by essentially one person.
> Well, more accurately there must be a critical mass of people who, like
> Kwankyu in some recent comments (apologies for not having link to hand),
> want to trust that the related process undertaken by that person is worth
> doing, and to let that proceed.  Otherwise they would have spoken up, as
> many longer-term developers are not shy of doing so on other matters.
> Regarding WSL in Dima's post, I thought
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37184 (and the followups) addressed
> this quite a bit - that was what I was referring to.  If I could get it to
> work, I think anyone could.  But I didn't try Jupyterlab, maybe that's not
> included in it.  Anyway, I was definitely not referring to anyone who knows
> what "apt-get" is in WSL.  So am I right in your saying that Jupyter
> wouldn't work "out of the box" with Sage with the conda-based solution for
> WSL?  To me, that's an argument *for* batteries, not against.
> Same applies for the MacOS version provided by 3manifolds, my assumption
> was that this would work "out of the box" if you do sage -n jupyter or
> something.  That assumption could be wrong - but again, why put additional
> barriers to the user?  "Normal" software that "normal" i.e. non-developer
> people use in the real world doesn't do that.  Why make that a prerequisite
> for just doing math?  I hate to beat the dead horse of the now-debatable
> mission statement, but does Mathematica make you separately download and
> install a notebook?

scipy does,
sympy does,
Macaulay2 does,
GAP does,
R does,
Julia does...

>   Even LaTeX has this problem - you have to install the distribution
> separately from TeXShop or what have you - and just like the developer
> friction noted here, it's a little bit of extra friction.
> > What fragmentation are you talking about?
> I meant that it's a bit silly (from the Mac or Windows perspective) that
> one even needs Arch, Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, Fedora, or anything else on
> the massive (and probably incorrect) list on Wikipedia:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions  That's a
> massive duplication of effort right there.
> > It has to be formulated and agreed upon in general lines, otherwise such
> a summit would be a waste of time.
> Agreed.  All of my points are irrelevant compared to getting us back on
> some consensus track.  That means toning down the rhetoric and candidly
> saying what sub-optimal concessions might be on the table (to be clear, for
> everyone).  It's clear now that at least two visions for Sage
> packaging/modularization which, in their current technical state, are
> viewed by stakeholders as colliding in their purest forms, but it seems
> unlikely that Sage is not Turing-complete enough to support a modus vivendi.
> --
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