On 25/04/2024 15:28, Nathan Dunfield wrote:

In another direction: I have started a port of Sage to pyodide, the distribution of Python for WebAssembly (WASM), which makes Python runnable directly in the browser. I can already run and test the modularized distributions **sagemath-objects**, **sagemath-categories** there.

It would be amazing if a decent portion of Sage could be run in the browser this way, e.g. to have the occasional HW assignment that needs Sage without the overhead of using something like CoCalc. 

Although SageMathCell does not run locally, it does run in the browser. There are examples of Sage exercises in this book and more on the about page of SageMathCell. Having a completely offline version of parts of Sage that can run in the browser with WASM will be wonderful indeed.



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