On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 7:20 AM Marc Mezzarobba <m...@mezzarobba.net> wrote:
> Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> > the function 1/n : AA->AA is 1-1 on all AA, and I don't see why this
> > property should be broken. Mathematically it makes perfect sense as
> > is.
> Because the ** operator is part of the coercion system, and AA coerces
> into QQbar, CC, etc.

To do this is to hate the user.

Is it documented anywhere that '**' with a rational exponent p/q must
lift its operand into
a q-cyclic extension of the ground field and return a primitive
element of the corresponding extension?
IMHO no, it's just an internal implementation detail.
And should be hidden from the user, by default at least.

Similarly if AA is replaced with cyclotomics, one certainly wants the
image of an exponentiation to a rational power
to be cylcotomic, if possible, and don't always get an element in a
completely unrelated to anything general extension field.


> > In fact, it should also work like this for any real field, not only
> > AA.
> I agree that there should be an internal nth root method, but I don't
> think it can be the same as the standard exponentiation operator
> without leading to all kinds of inconsistencies.
> --
> Marc
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