On Tue, 3 Sept 2024 at 09:09, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would it be better to hold a vote to decide on the ways to deal with this 
> issue, rather than on this particular PR?
> Namely, the alternatives are
> 1) do nothing
> 2) bring AA in line with Python
> 3) bring RR in line with AA

What does it mean to bring RR in line with AA here?

There are different ways to extend exponentiation a^b if b is not
constrained to integer values but there is only really one natural way
in the case of real and complex numbers if it should be both
continuous and single-valued. For real a and b with positive a we can
say that a^b = exp(b*log(a)). As long as you require a>0 this is
consistent with the ways that you would naturally define the operation
for integer or rational b or with a being in any subfield of the

The same definition a^b = exp(b*log(a)) extends to all complex numbers
if you choose a branch convention for log and then you can allow a to
be a negative number or generally any nonzero complex number. These
two definitions of exponentiation for real and for complex numbers are
consistent and are continuous in both a and b except at the branch

The idea that for negative a and rational b you can say that a^b gives
a real root if the denominator of b is odd does not extend in any way
to a continuous function of b in either the reals or complex numbers.
Since RR is approximate it is not possible to implement an operation
like a^b coherently if the definition is not continuous in both a and

To put this another way: you might want RR(-1)^(1/3) to be real but
you certainly don't want RR(-1)^(1/2) to be real. If the exponent in
a^b is an element of RR then you would need to distinguish whether it
has an even or an odd denominator to be able to say whether the root
is real or imaginary. Every non-integer element of RR literally has an
even denominator though:

  >>> RR(1/3).sign_mantissa_exponent()
  (1, 6004799503160661, -54)
  >>> 6004799503160661 / 2**54

Defining a^b for RR so that (-1)^(1/3) = -1 could only work if b was
restricted to the rationals so that the exponent cannot be an element
of RR. For AA the exponent is restricted to the rationals:

  >>> AA(4)^(1/2)
  >>> AA(4)^AA(1/2)
  TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for ^:
  'Algebraic Real Field' and 'Algebraic Real Field'


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