On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 7:46 AM, Simon King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Dear Michael,
>  On Apr 30, 12:15 pm, Michael Brickenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I would be interested in real word use cases, which demonstrate, why
>  > such a system is needed.
>  > E.g., I think Simon king did some cool
>  > things involving at least Singular, GAP, Cython...
>  Do you call the computation of cohomology rings of finite p-groups a
>  "real world application"??

I'm not trying to be king of the math-nerd-hill here but <nerd mode on>
there is a book "Hadamard Matrices and Their Applications" by Horadam
which shows
how the various constructions of Hadamard codes can be unified using
group cohomology. Of course Hadamard matrices lead to Hadamard codes,
which were used in the Mariner space mission. I call space "real world",
don't you? :-) </nerd mode off>

I return you to your regularly scheduled channel.

>  Well, a colleague of mine had "cohomology theory of Lie groups" in his
>  *applied* math exam (Vordiplom). I never understood how he convinced
>  the people that this is legal...
>  I think my project makes a good use of Sage:
>  - Output of Gap is used as input for the C-programs written by David
>  Green.
>  - Output of the C-programs is input for methods of Cython classes
>  (these classes are resolutions, cochains, chain maps etc). The classes
>  also include a Cython wrapper for C-MeatAxe.
>  - Finding generators and algebraic relations for the cohomology ring
>  involves Gröbner bases computed with Singular.
>  - At some point, i also use LinBox for Gauss algorithm.
>  - Eventually, the output is a graded-commutative quotient ring in
>  Singular.
>  The project works, but definitely it isn't finished yet, there are
>  still many things that ought to be improved.
>  I don't know if William should mention a not-yet-finished project, but
>  i do think it is a nice example of a Sage project.
>  And, by the way, i do think that the main emphasis of the talk should
>  be "Sage allows for easy and conceptual programming based on a wide
>  range of high quality math software", so
>  +1 to Roman Pearce.
>  It is good that Sage is free, but at least for me it matters most that
>  it is both easy to use and very powerful.
>  Cheers
>       Simon
>  >

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