On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 12:48 PM, John Cremona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Surely the problem is (and it will get worse not better as Sage
> improves ;))  that users just may not know which constituents
> (3rd-party packages, i.e.spkgs)  their Sage session has used.  Are we
> asking that our users take the trouble to find out (using lots of ?
> and ?? commands) the complete set of packages they have used?  I fear
> that this will not be normal practice.  I am not too upset that I may
> read a paper which says "Let E be the elliptic curve ...., whose rank
> (according to Sage [full Sage citation]) is 29." without knowing that
> the rank was actually computed by eclib.  But the authors of much
> larger components (dare I say Maxima?) might not like it.
> I don't see an easy solution.  Perhaps we could have a "full_citation"

I wonder if the following idea might be helpful.

Say I compute the rank of an elliptic curve using SAGE (which calls
eclib) and want to attribute the result. I save the commands which were
needed to do the computation and restart SAGE. Someone (not me)
writes a clever script which simply parses the result of "ps us",
picks out the sage jobs started (of which hopefully eclib is one of them),
and prints a string summarizing the jobs started. Does anyone know if
something like this will work?

> global flag which outputs a line whenever a function from any spkg is
> used.  But I fear that the output would be much too verbose...   Or:
> Could the notebook have a separate frame attached to each input cell
> --which is normally hidden but on opening would give a list of those
> spkgs which were used in evaluating the cell?
> John
> 2008/5/27 Harald Schilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On May 27, 3:27 pm, mhampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > Thoughts?
>> currently, there is due to an already existing function in R just
>> r.citation() ... maybe something simliar for gap and singluar?
>> Or, maybe those projects should implement a citation() function on
>> their own and on the "sage side" the string representation of the
>> interpreter is enhanced so that it shows a description and the
>> citation info.
>> currently:
>> sage: print r
>> R Interpreter
>> sage: singular
>> Singular
>> sage: print gap
>> Gap
>> lacks that info...
>> Harald
>> >
> >

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