On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 1:30 AM, Henryk Trappmann
> On 1 Jun., 18:56, Carl Witty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sage has such a decision procedure built in to its implementation of
>> QQbar, the algebraic numbers.
> But I have to say they are quite hidden in the reference manual.
> Thank you for this hint. I also found AA the algebraic reals if your
> computations only involve reals.
>> sage: QQbar(sqrt(-2)*sqrt(-3) + sqrt(6)) == 0
>> True
> Using QQbar or AA also my previous example works:
> QQbar(sqrt(5+2*sqrt(2)*sqrt(3))-sqrt(2)-sqrt(3)) == 0
> True
> AA(sqrt(5+2*sqrt(2)*sqrt(3))-sqrt(2)-sqrt(3)) == 0
> True
> However is it a *bug* that this does not work in the symbolic Ring
> with is_zero?
> (sqrt(5+2*sqrt(2)*sqrt(3))-sqrt(2)-sqrt(3)).is_zero()
> False

The definition of is_zero in the Sage symbolic ring is currently
*precisely* the definition in Maxima.  In fact, most of the functionality
of the Sage symbolic ring is just a light wrapper around Maxima,
though when we found bugs that Maxima couldn't fix (e.g., in
floor/ceiling), we have worked around them.
Work is under way to completely rewrite the symbolic ring.

> And good to know that with QQbar or AA the rule of coercing to the
> lowest precision works.
> AA(sqrt(2))*1.0
> 1.41421356237309
> QQbar(sqrt(2)) * CC(1.0)
> 1.41421356237309
> But back to SymbolicRing and SymbolicConstant.
> I have the following improvement
> SUGGESTION: when creating sqrt(2) or other roots from integers, then
> assign to them the parent AlgebraicReal or AlgebraicNumer accordingly
> instead of the too general Symbolic Ring.

That's definitely planned.

> Coercing (see above) and calculating with AA and QQbar works well, for
> example:
> sqrt(AA(sqrt(2))).parent()
> Algebraic Real Field
> sqrt(-AA(sqrt(2))).parent()
> Algebraic Field
> For future development maybe one can introduce a RealSymbolicConstant
> (and ComplexSymbolicConstant) which allow application of the common
> real functions like +,-,*,/,^, exp, log, sin, cos, etc. However the
> difficulty I see here is that we must be able to decide whether such
> an expression is 0 if we want to reject expr1/expr2 or log(expr2) for
> expr2 being 0. We also must be able to decide whether such an
> expression is greater 0. When we want to determine the outcome
> (RealSymbolicConstant or ComplexSymbolicConstant) of log(expr) or expr
> ** (1/n). So maybe this isnt possible from a theoretical point of view
> as those questions maybe undecidable (opposed to the algebraic case)
> which however is not yet clear for me.

Thanks for your comments.


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