On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 6:08 PM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Will the book be available online, or do I need to save the copy now?
> Save your copy now!   I signed the contract with springer 8 years ago
> before I worried about things like making books freely available online.
> Fortunately, i was able to renegotiate the contract with the publisher,
> so I'll be able to make the book freely available online 18 months after
> the date of publication.

Ok, that's great it will be online in 18 months after the publication.

>> As a fan, who enjoyes this kind of stuff, but does not do this for
>> living, I especially like that you wrote those encode/decode methods
>> for actually turning messages to numbers. Only I found a little
>> confusing why you first explain this using the base 27, while the
>> implementation uses the base 256 (obviously), but that's minor. I was
>> actualy always wondering how hard would it to add to Sage the
>> functionality to take some gpg encrypted message and turn it into the
>> numbers that you talk about, so that one can play with it, and at the
>> end turn this into the gpg message again, so that one can verify that
>> it really does work as written in the docs, or coded in the gpg
>> program. E.g. so that one can receive a gpg encrypted message (I do
>> get those in Debian from time to time) and then take my private key,
>> import those in Sage as numbers and then decode the message by "hand".
>> This would make me think that I really understand how it works. :)
> I'm betting PyCrypto would do this...

Thanks for the tip. I looked at that and it's docs, but I'd have to
invest more time into it than I currently have.

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 4:52 PM, Martin Albrecht
>> I was actualy always wondering how hard would it to add to Sage the
>> functionality to take some gpg encrypted message and turn it into the
>> numbers that you talk about, so that one can play with it, and at the
>> end turn this into the gpg message again.
> My impression is that this would be straight forward since Python already
> supports many building blocks like reading MIME encoded e-mails, gzip etc.
> All there is to do is to read the appropriate standard (is that in an RFC?)
> and actually implement it. A hack-ish version should be quick and easy, am
> more thourough version might need some work. Btw. I did a similar thing
> recently with the OpenSSH Group Exchange Protocol:
> http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/malb/blosxom.pl/2008/07/08#scapy

I read this post, but it doesn't contain the actual decryption or
encryption, does it?
What is the get_uint function doing? This is probably offtopic... Also
I don't really need it, I was just curious.


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