I was interested in seeing the performance differences between MATLAB
and some open source offerings so I googled and came across this:

It seems like MATLAB did not have a huge edge in performance over R
when the test was done, but that Octave was far behind.  Note however
the test used R version 1.9.0 (currently 2.7.1), MATLAB 6.0 (currently
7.6), Octave 2.1.42 (currently 3.0.1).

Has anyone used these and know how a current comparison would fair?
Does anyone have the means to conduct a benchmark using current

Of course, for a significant number of applications, performance is
less important than say, built in features, ease of use, clarity of
code, interoperability with other software, etc.

On Jul 13, 1:40 pm, "Dr. David Kirkby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Jul 13, 12:54 am, mhampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can assure you that many mathematicians use mathematica in thier
> > research; I used to.  
> That was my impression too, although I am not a mathmatician. I have
> worked with people who have used Mathematica for serious maths
> research. Like I've met people using MATLAB for serious engineering
> research.
> > But one of the many appeals of Sage is that the
> > source is open/checkable - I have had referrees mention that as
> > desirable on some of my previous mathematica-based papers.
> Although having the source available and being able to realistically
> use the source to check the code are two quite different things. The
> fraction of people can
> 1) Be bothered to try to check Sage by looking at the source code.
> 2) Have the knowledge to check Sage by reference to the source code
> must be quite small. Of course, the option is nice, but in practice
> how many can use it might be a very small number.
> > In my opinion the gap between Sage and mathematica is narrowing at an
> > impressive pace.  
> Good to hear.
> > For my research purposes Sage is already clearly
> > superior; of course I only use a very small fraction of either
> > system.  For teaching/demonstrations/computer labs Mathematica still
> > has the edge for most purposes, but the pros and cons are not easy to
> > add up in a one-dimensional way.
> > Actually I think it will be much harder to catch up with Matlab in the
> > areas where it is strong, but I still like our odds in the long run.
> > Most likely Sage will only win over some subset of users with
> > particular needs, but that would be a healthier software ecosystem.
> I must admit, MATLAB seems to have clear advantages over Mathematica
> for data processing in engineering applications.
> > Consider as a parting thought that Sage has only existed for 1/10 of
> > the time of those systems.
> A bit more than a 10th it must be said - Mathematica has been around
> 20 years, Sage more than 3.
> On problem I see is that any new algorithms developed by users of
> Sage, can be copied quite easily into Mathematica. I'm not suggesting
> Wolfram would lift code, but good algorithms can be turned into
> Mathematica code quite easily. In contrast, anything developed inside
> Wolfram will not easily propagate to Sage.
> > M. Hampton
> Thank you for your comments.
> Dave
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