On Jul 14, 1:18 am, "Dr. David Kirkby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi David,

> What exactly do you mean to "provide a Sage toolchain for Solaris"? Is
> that a complete binary distribution of a compiler, linker, assembler,
> make, etc etc or a set of detailed instructions on how to produce such
> binaries from something supplied with Solaris, such as the binaries
> in /usr/sfw?

It will be one probably somewhat large spkg. When you build Sage on
Solaris it will recommend that you use it before anything else in Sage
is build. If you decide to use it it will either be installed in $HOME
somewhere or specficially into the current Sage install. I am planning
that the SFW in /usr/sfw is all that is required to build the custom

> If you do mean a binary distribution, would that need root access to
> install it? It would be preferable to avoid the need for root access.
> It's clear that one of the main potential user groups (students in
> universities) are unlikely to have root access. I do not know, but
> suspect a far smaller fraction of Solaris users would have root access
> than of Linux users. The last place I worked as a member of staff, I
> had only access to an HP-UX system, but that was not root access.

Yes, the requirement for root access would seriously hamper Sage on
Solaris, so it will work all self contained in $HOME. I do not have
root access on a number of Solaris boxen I test build Sage on, so it
could not work if root acccess were required.

One large appeal of Sage is that building it from source mostly
involved punching "make" into the command line and coming back after a
while. The toolchain would add about two hours on a fast machine to
this (and potentially much, much more on some slower Sparc box), but
since you can do it only once for a number of Sage installs that seems
much better for me since the debug environment will be consitent. It
is likely that we will need to upgrade the toolchain every once in a
while as time progresses, but so is the life of a software developer.

> My own preference would be very much for clear instructions rather
> than binaries.

Yep, the toolchain will be documented, i.e. what is build how and for
what purpose, so you could take the instructions and replicate what I
am doing automatically. Right now I do such things manually on the
SkyNet Solaris machines, but automation is not too far away. I see no
real alternative to the custom toolchain since what is out there is
not working too well building Sage in most cases. And I much rather
spend my time fixing bugs in Sage than debugging some random guy's
compiler and binutils setup :)

> Dave


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