Hi Sage-Devel (cc: Markus),

After emailing with Markus Hohenwarter -- director of Geogebra -- and
looking around at the code, I get the impression that the Geogebra group is
very well meaning and a great group of people doing some wonderful things
in math education.  Unfortunately, it appears they are also possibly violating
the GPL in order to ensure complete control over their project (which
is something
the GPL doesn't allow).  I want to emphasize that I think they are well meaning
and aren't doing this out of any sort of evil intentions, and of
course I strongly
applaud their putting a lot of effort into open source math software and math
education, much of it likely voluntary.

I think that Geogebra has to be GPL'd because it fundamentally depends on
the java version of the GPL'd yacas library (yacas = yet another computer
algebra system).  On the other hand, it seems that the Geogebra folks purposely
criple Geogebra by making the build system, language files (?), and
all non-GPL compatible.  As a result it seems that one can't use
Geogebra under the
terms of the GPL.   This might be a violation of the GPL.

(Note that I wrote "seems" and "might" in several places above, since I'm
not really certain of anything.  I could be just plain wrong!)

So I don't think (optional) integration or support of Geogebra from
Sage is a wise move right now.  I very much hope the situation with
Geogebra changes asap.  I.e., in my opinion, the Geogebra group should
either make the Geogebra distribution fully GPL'd or they should replace
YACAS by another non-GPL'd component and switch to a license
other than the GPL that allows them to restrict redistribution in the
ways they see fit.

  -- William

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