On Jul 22, 1:29 am, Thierry Dumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Francesco Biscani a écrit :
> > With the non-header-only Boost libraries (such as Boost.Python), a
> > possible approach could be that of modifying the build system of a
> > package that uses them to compile and link the needed Boost libraries
> > together with the package's own library. I.e., add the Boost libraries'
> > .cpp files directly in the project's Makefile.

The solution I imagine is the following: PolyBoRi has a boost::python
interface, but we do not install it since we do not use it. It could
easily be added back. That way we do not have two boost installations
fighting for supremacy. Since PolyBoRi is in Sage and considered very
important Cuda breaking PolyBoRi via its boost requirement is a big no
no and will not happen. But the way suggested above will make both
camps happy. This might happen in the next week, i.e. we would likely
have an optional PyCuda.spkg by Dev1 at SFU.

> > Another possibility (especially if the use of Boost is widespread among
> > Sage packages) would be to compile shared library versions of the needed
> > Boost libraries when building Sage and use them when building the
> > packages that need them.
> As a Boost user, I just want to say that the Boost installation process
> is not standard (not using automake, but Jam) and taht this a very long
> task.
> Actually, most people use packaged versions (.deb in Debian...) to avoid
> compilation, but this seems precisely what Sage do not want to do.

Yeah, and many times one needs to use boost CVS in order to work
around bugs in less common OSes like some BSD flavors. So depending on
the system provided boost install is something I would prefer to

Re cwitty: I do not mind if you redid the boost::python code in
Cython, I am just saying that I do not have the time to do it myself.
But I would be more than happy if you did it :)

> Yours,
> t.d.



> --
> Thierry Dumont. Institut Camille Jordan -- Mathematiques--
> Univ. Lyon I,43 Bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622
>  - Villeurbanne Cedex - France.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  web:http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/~tdumont
>  tdumont.vcf
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