On Sep 5, 10:21 am, Simon Beaumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I tried building sage 3.0.1


> with David Philps patches - make failed
> first with the r build looking for sage (which is in there somewhere
> but without packages in place) so I did a make -k and have attached
> the install.log

Do *not* attach install logs to email to any of the Google groups
since the vast majority if the 600 subscribers won't care. Upload the
log somewhere and post a link instead.

The Framework build of Sage is not supported and the more I learn
about FrameWorks the less I want to go in that direction. Using
certain FrameWorks forces the use of Apple's libpng for example which
screws us in loads of places. I have disabled the use of all OSX
Frameworks in Sage 3.1.2 for all components in Sage for exactly that

> - I've got a nice framework python and a half baked
> sage and cvxopt build still fails with multiply defined symbols.
> All in all this is a show stopper for sage on OS X for me. I'll try
> and stitch something together after I've done a vanilla build followed
> by the framework one according to David's recipe. I guess I might even
> try the 64 bit options one day too. Proprietary systems... pah.

At least on OSX 10.5 many Frameworks do not seem to exist in 64 bit
flavors, so their use is disabled in components like Python or R.


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