On Sep 5, 6:27 pm, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 5, 10:21 am, Simon Beaumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I tried building sage 3.0.1
> *3.0.1*?
3.1.1 of course - it's been a long day...

> > with David Philps patches - make failed
> > first with the r build looking for sage (which is in there somewhere
> > but without packages in place) so I did a make -k and have attached
> > the install.log
> Do *not* attach install logs to email to any of the Google groups
> since the vast majority if the 600 subscribers won't care. Upload the
> log somewhere and post a link instead.
agreed - in the end I didn't

> The Framework build of Sage is not supported and the more I learn
> about FrameWorks the less I want to go in that direction. Using
> certain FrameWorks forces the use of Apple's libpng for example which
> screws us in loads of places. I have disabled the use of all OSX
> Frameworks in Sage 3.1.2 for all components in Sage for exactly that
> reason.
> > - I've got a nice framework python and a half baked
> > sage and cvxopt build still fails with multiply defined symbols.
> > All in all this is a show stopper for sage on OS X for me. I'll try
> > and stitch something together after I've done a vanilla build followed
> > by the framework one according to David's recipe. I guess I might even
> > try the 64 bit options one day too. Proprietary systems... pah.
> At least on OSX 10.5 many Frameworks do not seem to exist in 64 bit
> flavors, so their use is disabled in components like Python or R.

I'm actually waiting for a efi linux I can install on this mac pro -
then I'll be dropping OS X as a development platform.
It's just not what I need for open source scientific computing. It's
always twice the pain of linux. I really like gentoo.

> Cheers,
> Michael
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