Hi folks,

This morning I received issue 109, September 2008, of "Linux Format"
magazine (dead tree version). Down under in Australia, we do have to
wait quite some time for overseas magazines to arrive. And when they
appear on the news stand at my local magazines store, the "latest
issues" of Linux related magazines tend to be rather out of date ---
that is, if you don't have subscriptions.

The September 2008 issue of "Linux Format" magazine has a review of Sage
version 3.0.1 on page 33. This review is part of the issue's "Roundup"
section, pp.30--35, which also reviews Matlab, Octave, Euler Math
Toolbox, and Scilab. Unfortunately, I can't (yet) find an online version
of the Sage review at the official home page of the magazine:


I've reproduced the Sage review below.


When the maths gets really serious.

Sage is so much more than a numerical computing platform. Yes, it does
numerics, but it also does symbolic computer algebra that makes it an
extremely capable system for doing calculus and algebra but also
research in cryptography, number theory, and graph theory, to name a few.

Sage takes a departure from the other platforms in this review in that
it uses Python rather than having a programming language of its own. For
some users this will be a significant attractor, since if you already
know and love Python you won't have to learn another language. From the
performance checks using the SVD and FFT, Sage (using Python's Numpy
Library) was comparable to Scilab and Octave, while the SVD test was
blazingly fast --- faster than Matlab by a significant margin.

Sage is a relative newcomer to this group but it does make use of
software that started many years ago. Take Maxima for instance. Maxima
has as its ancestor the Macsyma computer algebra system initially
developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late
1960s. Maxima and other components make Sage an eclectic mix of
mathematical software.

It's all about sharing

One laudable goal of the Sage project is to enable the convenient
sharing of mathematical ideas, and one way it does this is through the
use of web-based notebooks. You can enter commands into the console
provided by the Sage web application and then evaluate them. It really
is like writing a math notebook online. Your notebooks can be saved and
shared, which has many positive implications for teaching and research
collaborations. You can try Sage without having to build or install it
by going to www.sagenb.org, signing up for a free account and writing
your own notebook.

[image featuring a Sage notebook session and a 3-D plot]
[caption: "The graphics in Sage normally display in a Java applet inside
the page. So much for the bleeding edge..."]

The notebook in the image shows the following code, which was used to
produce the said 3-D plot:

u,v = var('u,v')
fx = (3 + sin(v) + cos(u)) * cos(2*v)
fy = (3 + sin(v) + cos(u)) * sin(2*v)
fz = sin(u) + 2 * cos(v)
P = parametric_plot3d([fx, fy, fz], (u, 0, 2*pi), (v, 0, 2*pi), \
frame=False, color="red")

Here are the ratings:

Euler Math Toolbox: 5/10
Matlab: 9/10
Octave: 7/10
Sage: 6/10
Scilab: 9/10

By the way, I'm not quite sure what "SVD" and "FFT" refer to.

Minh Van Nguyen

Web: http://nguyenminh2.googlepages.com
Blog: http://mvngu.wordpress.com

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