On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 10:40:33AM -0500, Jason Grout wrote:
> David Joyner wrote:
> > (1) Sage also does FFT via the GSL. I guess they didn't try that,
> > but I would imaginge they would be fast since they are in C.
> The current CDF and RDF vectors implement fft using GSL.  I'm in the 
> process of switching the RDF/CDF vector backend to numpy, and then the 
> fft will be done by numpy.  I'm curious where the FFT is done by numpy 
> currently; I couldn't find the code.  Of course, the reviewer used an 
> extremely old version of Sage (on our timescale), so maybe things were 
> different then.
> For matrices, switching to numpy made most things faster, so I'm curious 
> what we'll find when we switch the vectors to numpy as a backend.
Also Sage could use fftw unlike numpy (as it is gpl) which usually beats the
pants of fftpack (which is what numpy uses) See:

According to the fftw benchmarks for speed: gsl < fftpack < fftw see:


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