(1) Sage also does FFT via the GSL. I guess they didn't try that,
but I would imaginge they would be fast since they are in C.

(2) I'm not sure what a toolbox actually *is*. Something like an
optional package with a nice gui interface?

(3) Related to this thread, I just got an email from Cesar (from
Mexico, the grad
student working on the RingCode class). He was at a big math
meeting and told people one reason why he prefers Sage over Matlab
is because in Matlab (and I quote from Cesar):

"In MatLab:

var1 = 2^10000000
var2 = 2^10000000 + 1
var1 == var2

The result of the last line will be True!!!!"

Also Cesar says Matlab will often invert without warning a singular

So, I think it would be cool if the reviewer also changed that the
programs worked *correctly*. Apologies for the scarcasm:-)

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 2:05 AM, Minh Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> A recurring theme throughout tests on the above five systems was the
> issue of algorithmic performance, as measured "by computing the singular
> value decomposition (SVD) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) of a 500x500
> real-valued matrix 100 times and calculating the average and standard
> deviation of those 100 trials" (page 30). And on page 31, we have the
> following performance evaluation:
> <quote>
> Performance is one area where Matlab had difficulty maintaining a
> commanding lead. For the SVD test --- an important matrix decomposition
> in many statistical and numerical algorithms --- Matlab performance was
> slightly more than 20% better than Scilab and Octave. The surprise was
> that the Numpy algorithm used from within Sage was on average over 250%
> faster than Matlab. It's not included in this Roundup, but this
> performance difference indicates that the Numpy library for Python
> deserves a closer look when performance matters. Matlab comes out the
> winner in the fast Fourier transform.
> </quote>


> --
> Regards
> Minh Van Nguyen
> Web: http://nguyenminh2.googlepages.com
> Blog: http://mvngu.wordpress.com
> >

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