On Jan 22, 2009, at 11:11 AM, rjf wrote:

> On Jan 21, 10:25 pm, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> wrote:
>> On Jan 21, 2009, at 3:34 PM, rjf wrote:
>>> On Jan 21, 11:54 am, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> ... snip...
>>  In our case, linear
>> algebra is done via NumPy, which in turn uses a BLAS (with Sage we
>> ship ATLAS). On the other hand, if one is doing a problem that isn't
>> easily phrased as a linear algebra/differential equations/etc.
> Sure, calling a library program from Python can be a good way to
> achieve efficiency, but that is not an argument that Python is good
> for scientific computing. It is an argument that it is good for
> scripting, or "glue" or something along those lines.

Yes. Given the large number of highly optimized, debugged, and widely  
used scientific libraries already out there, being a good scripting/ 
glue language is a big plus for doing scientific computing. Perhaps  
that's not as valuable to you.

>> question for which there is already an optimized library/code, that's
>> where Cython comes in, where one can compile code that operates on C
>> doubles directly (and, because it compiles down to C, is just as
>> efficient).
> This is unconvincing.   Maxima code can be translated to Lisp (by a
> command called "translate").
> The Lisp (if Maxima is running in GCL) can be compiled  (by a command
> called "compile"), into C
> and then into assembler/ binary code.  So by your argument, Maxima is
> as efficient as C.
> (Lisps that are not GCL compile into assembler, so maybe writing in
> Lisp is as efficient as assembler??)

To complete this argument, one would have to look at how efficient  
the auto-generated C code is compared to a direct implementation of  
the algorithm in C, in other words, how much overhead is incurred by  
the translation. IMHO Cython can do a good job at this, but I'm of  
course an unbiased judge on that point. Just as you indicate below  
with lisp, additional declarations result in tighter code.

>> It also fits in with the 90-10 philosophy, making it easy
>> to optimize only those parts one needs to (instead of writing the
>> whole thing in a more restrictive (depending on your tastes) language
>> just so your couple of inner loops can be fast enough).
> I agree.  Which is why I use Lisp:
> 1. This 90-10 philosophy includes a need for careful profiling to find
> out where the important parts are.
> At least the lisp I use has superb profiling tools.
> 2. Optimizing code in Lisp generally can be done by increasing the
> details of the (otherwise optional) declarations,
> increasing the requested level of "optimizing", thereby removing error
> checks, etc.
> 3. Changing a huge system (e.g. Maxima) to use a different version of
> function F, which can be interpreted or compiled,
> is accomplished by evaluating what can be a single line of code, and
> done in a very short time, independent of the size
> of the system.
> I think Java cannot do this. I have never used Cython.

Python can do this, though the more one compiles the more gets  
statically bound.

>> Getting back to the topic of the thread, I think a reason Python is
>> nice for scientific programming is that it's easy to learn, easy to
>> read, and easy to prototype in, and has a rich set of libraries to
>> work with.
> If the only comparison is with Java, who knows.  I understand that
> Excel is nice, too.

I pity those who find themselves trying to do serious scientific  
programming with excel :). Though there are certainly a lot of  
rational arguments against it, there may be some out there that are  
as enthusiastic about Excel as we are about Python or you are about  

- Robert

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