On Feb 21, 6:10 am, John Cremona <john.crem...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi John,

> Am I the only person for whom "sage -upgrade" always fails?  It
> downloads lots of stuff, builds lots of stuff, and leaves me with an
> un-runnable sage which doesn't know whether it is the old version or
> the new.

-upgrade is designed to upgrade one clean tree to another clean tree,
i.e. if you do development in it or use queues for example you will
run into trouble with some probability.

> In this case my working 3.3.rc2 was upgraded.  Afterwards, the banner
> still says 3.3.rc2 and it crashes on startup like this:
> ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call
> last)
> ...
> ImportError: /home/john/sage-3.3.rc2/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
> sage/matrix/matrix_mod2_dense.so: undefined symbol:
> mzd_echelonize_m4ri
> Error importing ipy_profile_sage - perhaps you should run %upgrade?
> WARNING: Loading of ipy_profile_sage failed.

Ok, have you checked ig the Sage library has more than one head? This
is usually the cause for the above and indicates half-way done merges.

> So once again I just delete the entire directory and download a
> complete source, ending up taking longer than if had just done that
> from the start.

Well, *if* it is "just" the Sage library that is somehow botched run

 rm -rf devel/sage
 ./sage -f spkt/standard/sage-x.y.z.spkg

and it should all get back to normal quicker than a complete build.

I strongly suspect that you upgrade trees where you develop in, so I
would recommend that you use a clone for that one and switch back to
the main branch before upgrading.


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