Thanks for the diagnosis and suggestions.  Evidently I did the upgrade
from a clone, one I made yesterday to review one of those patches....

Suggestion:  since the upgrade already gives a prompt and will not
continue unless you reply "yes",  why not add to that prompt a line
saying don't go any further unless you are not in a clone.  Even
better, detect whether or not you are in a clone and quite if you are
(if that is possible).

I'm now doing an upgrade from my rc0 build, not from any clone, and
we'll see what happens!


On Feb 21, 2:49 pm, mabshoff <> wrote:
> On Feb 21, 6:36 am, Simon King <> wrote:
> > On 21 Feb., 15:27, mabshoff <> wrote:
> > > >  rm -rf devel/sage
> > > oops:
> > >   rm -rf devel/sage*
> > > Note that this will nuke all your changes, but that should be fairly
> > > obvious :)
> > > >  ./sage -f spkt/standard/sage-x.y.z.spkg
> > And I guess in the previous line it is spkg/standard/sage-x.y.z.spkg,
> > not spkt/...
> Yep, I saw that too late after I send the other correction and thought
> it was so obvious that I did not need to send another email to correct
> this. Well, it too two now ;)
> > Cheers,
> >  Simon
> Let me drive home this point again: Aside from a very few cases where
> a dependency problem cause build failures (i.e some spkg with
> dependencies had unbumped dependencies or I did something else stupid)
> I had never fail an upgrade for me from a clean tree to a clean tree.
> If you have missing symbols like in this case that John describes the
> root cause is nearly always a screwed up merge that can most often be
> corrected my merging multiple heads and doing a Sage library build via
> "sage -b".
> To avoid failed merges don't develop in the tree you upgrade in, use
> either a completely separate build tree to develop for example by
> building your vanilla tree, then -bdist and use that tree in another
> place to do work or use clones of the Sage library to do development.
> Once you want to upgrade, switch back to main, upgrade, clone again
> and import your changes from the old clone for development into the
> newly cloned upgraded vanilla tree. Anything else will likely cause
> pain and suffering unless you have excellent hg Merge-Fu.
> Cheers,
> Michael
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