this is certainly reasonable, but maybe a little unfeasible.

The reason is that, I use some scripts of mine in the process of the
evaluation, and the whole process is pretty long.

The algorithm basically starts from a couple of linear systems of
equations; they are solved, and from the solution is derived the
(averaged) state space representation of the system, in terms of:

dx/dt = A*x + B*u
y = C*x + B*u

Then, the matrices are combined to get the matrix of input-to-state
and input-to-output transfer functions (in the Laplace transform
domain) as:
x/u = (s*I - A)**(-1)*B
y/u = C*(s*I - A)**(-1)*B + D

So, the G_igr_d (the function initially shown), is one element of this

As you can see, the process is not particularly complex, but a bit
long, and that would oblige me to upload some custom scripts as well.

Can you derive some information from this description, or has this
been useless? Maybe I can provide something like the last part of the
notebook, placing some intermediate expression by hand.

Could you also show me where should I look at for better understanding
this? Is it a good idea to verify the types of the expressions used?
Is it a problem interfacing to any symbolic package different from the
ordinary maxima one? I don't exactly recall if I took advantage of



On Feb 25, 9:17 pm, Carl Witty <> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Maurizio <> wrote:
> > So I manually write down the same expression in a new variable, I get:
> > time dizTemp = temp.subs(paramsd)
> > Time: CPU 0.01 s, Wall: 0.01 s
> > And temp and G_igr_d have the same type!!
> > Where can the lag arise from? This seems really subtle to me!
> > Please note that the expression is coming from some matrix
> > combinations and then extraction
> Maybe you could publish a notebook worksheet, or attach a script,
> showing a complete worked example to demonstrate the slowness?
> Carl
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