If you're editing files in the sage library, you need to type
sage -br
from the command line in order for your changes to be incorporated into the
copy of sage that you're running (the -b builds, the -r means to start

Having written a lazy p-adics class, my guess is that your pickling errors
have to do with the fact that you're storing a function.  If you replace all
of the local functions that you're storing with callable classes (ie a class
that implements the __call__ method), you should be able to get pickling to

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:18 PM, Henryk Trappmann

> On Mar 31, 10:41 am, Franco Saliola <sali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Henryk Trappmann
> > I would guess that you are probably just loading/attaching some local
> > files to a Sage session. If that's correct, then that is the cause of
> > this problem. When you merge your code into Sage, then the error
> > should go away (although it may be replaced by some other error).
> Yes you are right. Now the "correct" error about pickling attribute
> functions pops up:
> PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup
> __builtin__.function failed
> I will see what I can do with the __reduce__ method, that Robert
> mentioned.
> But btw. I have another question about the private Sage development
> process. I work the following way:
> 1. I edit the code in the editor
> 2. "load" that file into a sage session,
> 3. do there some commands and repeat from 1. until everything is fine.
> But as you indicated you dont work by "load"ing the file.
> When I however work with "import" at the sage prompt, then the changes
> that I did in the file are not reflected properly.
> Can you or others give me some hints about an efficient private
> development cycle?
> >

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