William mentioned an area dear to my heart:

On Jun 5, 10:47 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   * Magma's linear algebra over p-adics is better than in Sage.
> PROJECT: Design and implement good algorithms for linear algebra over
> p-adics (subtle and interesting research area).
There is actually some room for improvement in Magma's handling of p-
adics. Consider the following example:

> F := Qp(3, 10);
> M := Matrix([[F!1, F!2, F!1], [F!1, F!5, F!4], [F!4, F!8, F!1]]);
> CharacteristicPolynomial(M);
$.1^3 - (7 + O(3^10))*$.1^2 - (3^3 + O(3^10))*$.1 + 3^2 + O(3^10)

This is valid but not best possible. If you do a bit of row reduction
on the matrix you get

[1 + O(3^10) 2 + O(3^10) 1 + O(3^10)]
[0 + O(3^10) 3 + O(3^10) 3 + O(3^10)]
[3 + O(3^10) 6 + O(3^10) 0 + O(3^10)]

from which it is not hard to see that the determinant of M is actually
3^2 + O(3^11). (Divide the second and third rows by 3, and then you
can do all the arithmetic in Z/3^9 Z.)

The best way to handle this seems to be using Newton polygons, which
will have to wait for roed's p-adic polynomials code to come online.
After that, there is a nice project waiting here, which has important
applications to computing zeta functions of varieties using p-adic
cohomology (in which it is crucial to use as little working precision
as you can get away with, for efficiency).

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