Two or three things:

1. Rational conics.  Magma first implemented my algorithms, which are
in eclib but not wrapped, so we could do a lot quite easily there.
But now Magma uses Denis Simon's algorithm which is better in certain
cases, and he would certainly donate his code (in gp I think).

2. Elliptic curves over function fields:  quite a bit of what Magma
has came from my student David Roberts, whose thesis in 2007 was about
this.  I have his code.

3. 4-descent in Magma was developed first by my student Tom Womack,
though later tidied up quite a lot in Sydney.  I have all Tom's code.

4. Other descents on elliptic curves, and "genus one models":  mostly
written by Tom Fisher who has not (yet!) started to use Sage;  but he
is implementing algorithms developed jointly by himself, me Stoll,
Simon and others, and may well be willing to donate his code to Sage.


2009/6/6 davidloeffler <>:
> On Jun 6, 3:47 am, William Stein <> wrote:
>>   * Galois theory and ramification groups for p-adic extensions (needs
>>     the previous features)
> I wrote a (very simplistic) implementation of Artin symbols and
> decomposition and ramification groups a few months back for extensions
> of *number fields*, so we have this via the canonical dumb algorithm:
> find an extension of number fields whose local extension at some prime
> is the p-adic extension you want.
>> VII. Modules
>>   * Sage has nothing for modules over Dedekind domains (except over
>>     ZZ): this is an extremely important building block for certain
>>     algorithms (e.g., arithmetic in quaternion algebras over number
>>     fields), so needs to get implemented.   I recently wrote code for
>>     general modules over ZZ, but it isn't in Sage yet.
>> PROJECT: Finish modules over ZZ, optimize
>> PROJECT: Extend modules over ZZ to modules over a PID
> Last week I wrote some code for Hermite form, which is the key linear-
> algebra step for this; see trac #6178. So we have free modules over an
> arbitrary PID (me) and arbitrary fg modules over ZZ (you), and
> combining these probably won't be very hard.
> David
> >

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