Fresh builds of 4.1.1.alpha0:

64-bit linux:
The following tests failed:
        sage -t  "devel/sage/sage/interfaces/"
...but passed on retry.

32-bit linux:
sage -t  "devel/sage/sage/interfaces/"
  File "./", line 18
    from devel/sage/sage/interfaces/r import *
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


sage -t  "devel/sage/sage/graphs/"
  File "./", line 18
    from devel/sage/sage/graphs/graph_plot import *
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

If it is reelvant, the second machine has R installed while the first does not.

2009/7/22 Rob Beezer <>:
> Craig,
> Thanks for the explanation - that's consistent with what I saw.
> I'll make a mental note to help ensure this gets into the next
> release.
> Rob
> Craig Citro wrote:
>> >> On a fresh attempt to build from source, everything went fine.  For
>> >> the first attempt, the only difference I can discern is that I had set
>> >>
>> >> declare -x MAKE="make -j4"
>> >>
>> >> which in the past has smoothly allowed the build to use both
>> >> processors.  Is this the cause of my failure?
>> >
>> > No idea....
>> >
>> This is a known race condition -- for a patch, see
>> The patch *should* fix the issue, but since it's an intermittent
>> problem, it's hard to know that it's *completely* fixed. This was
>> merged during 4.0.2, but somehow we mixed up merge trees and it wasn't
>> in the final release. I asked to get it into the last release, but it
>> still didn't make it ... maybe it'll make it in again soon? I marked
>> the ticket "needs review," but as I say on the ticket, it's actually
>> been reviewed once. It felt like cheating to make a new ticket and
>> list it as "with positive review." :)
>> -cc
> >

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