On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 at 05:31AM -0700, Jason Grout wrote:
> I don't have any marketing ideas at the moment beyond what has already 
> been mentioned.  However, I do have to say that if there was a 
> reasonably-priced, pre-configured sage notebook server box from Sun, it 
> would be *very* tempting (emphasis on the "reasonably-priced" above, 
> though :).
> Such a box would be very tempting if:
> * you could run multiple notebooks with proper security layers between 
> themselves and the system.
> * it was trivial to upgrade all of the notebooks or just some of them.
> * you could also do development on some of the notebooks.
> * all (or at least most) optional spkgs worked
> * it would be easy for IT to administer the server centrally (e.g., a 
> rack version, as well as a standalone box version)

Just this morning I was talking to my department head about possibly
setting up a "real" Sage server for our campus (i.e., something more
than a VM running on the computer in my office) and this sort of product
would be great. Right now you need some knowledgeable and tech-inclined
people and a department head who is very understanding and/or trusting;
with a "Sage in a box" machine, it would be easier to for people with
skeptical IT staff or department heads to get a nice server setup.


---  Dan Drake <dr...@kaist.edu>
-----  KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
-------  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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