William Stein wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 6:18 AM, David Joyner<wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:38 AM, Dr. David Kirkby<david.kir...@onetel.net> 
>> wrote:
>>> I need some guidance on what do about some issues we have. I'll
>>> summarise, since not everyone is going to be aware of them.
>>> 1) Sage will not build on Solaris SPARC due to issues in the latest
>>> official ecl. (It is not the only issue, but is one of them).
>>> 2) The ecl developers have solved that, and there is a CVS snapshot
>>> which builds ecl ok on Solaris. A new ecl release will be out in less
>>> than a week.
>>> 3) I created a ecl.spkg, based on a snapshot I took yesterday, which
>>> allows ecl to build on Solaris.
>>> I put it at
>>> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/kirkby/Solaris-fixes/ecl-9.4.1.p0/ecl-9.4.1.p0.spkg
>>> 4) We are not using the latest maxima. (Sage uses 5.16.3 with a couple
>>> of patches (maxima-5.16.3.p2.spkg)
>>> 5) The latest maxima is maxima-5.18.1
>>> 6) The problem persists in the latest maxima.
>>> 7) An ecl devoper has created patches against the latest maxima in cvs.
>> I'm not an expert on these matters, so pardon me if this is a dumb question.
>> If I understyand you correctly then the latest maxima builds against this
>> new version of ecl in your spkg. If that is correct, then I wonder if there 
>> is
>> also a new spkg for this latest version of maxima. If so, others could try
>> testing them against other achitectures.
> +1   Make packages so that everything works, but don't include them in
> sage-4.1.1.   When will the next Maxima come out?   Maybe that's for
> sage-4.2 or sage-4.1.2?
> William

To make packages so everything works today, I would need to do the lot 
from CVS.

A new ecl is however due out before the end of the week, so that could 
go into 4.1.2. But it would break Maxima.

I've no idea when the next Maxima will come out. So far there has been 
no word on the mailing list about the bug report.

If there is no new maxima release planned soon, it might be better that 
I patch the version of Maxima in Sage.

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