Nathann Cohen wrote:
> 5234 characters.. This may be the best solution indeed :-)
> How can I know after that, though, the matching between vertices and
> labels ?

What is the autmorphism group? You may be able to uniquely identify each 
vertex... :)

I guess that's a bit harder question.  It looks like sparse6 format just 
uses the order of vertices returned by self.vertices().  The output is 
always sorted, so you can just store the mapping by storing


Then map[sparse_vertex_number]=original_vertex_name

(I haven't tried it, though...)

Another thing you could do is store it in the graph database that we 
already distribute with Sage, or in an optional database that a user 
could tap into.  Both of those are a bit more work, but might open up 
interesting future possibilities.



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