Actually, it should not load the graph when graph_generator is loaded.
Anyway, I think that if it was the case, the error would be printed a
Sage's startup and not when I call the function, which is my current
situation :-/

When I remove all the docstrings, this functions is pretty simple :

def WorldMap(self):
    return sage.structure.sage_object.load("graph_world.sobj")

I rebuild I start my branch without the slightest problem, but when I
type g=graphs.WorldMap()

I get :
sage: g=graphs.WorldMap()
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call

/user/ncohen/home/.sage/temp/ in <module>()

graph_generators.pyc in WorldMap(self)
   2983         """
-> 2985         return sage.structure.sage_object.load

NameError: global name 'sage' is not defined

And I can not understand why, nor how I should do to bypass it :-/


On Aug 21, 5:28 pm, William Stein <> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:49 AM, Nathann Cohen <>wrote:
> > Do you have any idea how it is possible to call the "load" function
> > from ?
> > I cannot use "load" as the function is not defined yet, nor can I
> > directly write :
> >         return sage.structure.sage_object.load("graph_world.sobj")
> > as sage is not defined at that time either...
> You should *not* load the graph into memory when is
> being imported.  I'm glad Sage doesn't let you do that, since it would be an
> inefficient waste of memory and time to lod that graph every time Sage
> starts up.
> Just write code that is called only when the user actually types
> which might cache its result if you want.
>  -- William
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