It took some time to build filters from the original files ( it is
HTML I had to parse, nothing as clean as xml, sadly .... ) and several

I will look again at the sources to see whether I could find an
automatic way to do it... But the source is not clean at all, I had to
change a lot of thing by hand ( like Cuba having a boundary with the
"US base of guantanamo", and the "US base of guantanamo" has neither
Position nor even an entry in the list of its own.... ^^;

But I was sure there would be some easy-to-read database.. I'll try to
find this tomorrow :-)


On Aug 20, 8:37 pm, John H Palmieri <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 2:18 am, Nathann Cohen <> wrote:
> > Hello !!!
> > Starting from a kind of troll related to the next-to-be tour for
> > Graphs in Sage ( I wanted to color the map of western europe, but the
> > majority of Sage's users do not live there ), I tried to build a graph
> > of the whole world by using your dear CIA's data ( available freely on
> > their website )
> > Do you think it would be interesting to add it to the graph generators
> > in Sage ? It could be available as graphs.WorldMap() :-)
> > If so, I have a small problem : how to include it ? I generated it by
> > parsing again and again several files, then building the final graph
> > through Python, but the only way I have now to share this graph is to
> > write it by g.write().
> > This Graph contains labels for the countries ( their names ) but also
> > their positions...
> > Nathann
> Since countries change (names change, boundaries change, etc.), first
> of all, you need to date this: say it's the world map as of
> 2009-08-20, or whatever, and probably give the source (since not
> everyone agrees on names, boundaries, etc.).  Then if it were possible
> to automate its production (get some files from the CIA's website --
> do these have a fixed URL? -- then process them with Python, etc., all
> automatically), I see the whole thing as an optional spkg.
> Can we access historical data, too?  World map as of 1939-09-01, etc.?
>   John
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