> Yes, I got confused between Nathans.  Sorry.  And many thanks again for the
> directions!!

You're welcome.  It's often annoying how hard it is to do certain
administrative tasks on OS X from the command line.  Even for just
creating an account, it's no harder to do a full screenshare via ssh
and VNC and then just use System Preferences to add the account as
always.   Indeed, here's how to do anything you want on the server
remotely from another OS X machine (though the local machine isn't
really important here).

On the server, download "VineServer3.0.dmg" from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/osxvnc/files/   Then do

remote% sudo open VineServer3.0.dmg
remote% cp -R /Volumes/Vine\ Server/Vine\ Server.app /Applications

On the local machine, install a VNC client (I used Chicken of the VNC
from http://sourceforge.net/projects/cotvnc/ ) and then start an ssh

local% ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 u...@remote.domain.com
remote% sudo /Applications/Vine\ Server.app/Contents/Resources/OSXvnc-
server -localhost -rfbnoauth

and now just start the VNC client and point it at localhost:5900 (For
COVNC this is the default connection it offers).  Now the remote
screen appears on your local one and you can do whatever you need to



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