On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 2:23 AM, Nathan Dunfield <nat...@dunfield.info>wrote:

> > Yes, I got confused between Nathans.  Sorry.  And many thanks again for
> the
> > directions!!
> You're welcome.  It's often annoying how hard it is to do certain
> administrative tasks on OS X from the command line.  Even for just
> creating an account, it's no harder to do a full screenshare via ssh
> and VNC and then just use System Preferences to add the account as
> always.   Indeed, here's how to do anything you want on the server
> remotely from another OS X machine (though the local machine isn't
> really important here).
> On the server, download "VineServer3.0.dmg" from
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/osxvnc/files/   Then do
> remote% sudo open VineServer3.0.dmg
> remote% cp -R /Volumes/Vine\ Server/Vine\ Server.app /Applications
> On the local machine, install a VNC client (I used Chicken of the VNC
> from http://sourceforge.net/projects/cotvnc/ ) and then start an ssh
> tunnel
> local% ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 u...@remote.domain.com
> remote% sudo /Applications/Vine\ Server.app/Contents/Resources/OSXvnc-
> server -localhost -rfbnoauth
> and now just start the VNC client and point it at localhost:5900 (For
> COVNC this is the default connection it offers).  Now the remote
> screen appears on your local one and you can do whatever you need to

Thanks.  This worked perfectly!


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