Dirk wrote:

> By the way, the numerical answers you got are very bad, but Maxima is
> not a numerical analysis package.  The way to get good numerical roots
> is:
> sage: pari('x^5+x^3+17*[x + (0.0588115223184494 + 0.E-38*I), 1; x +
> (-1.36050567903502 +
> 1.51880872209965*I), 1; x + (1.33109991787580 + 1.52241655183732*I),
> 1;
> x + (-1.36050567903502 - 1.51880872209965*I), 1; x + (1.33109991787580
> -
> 1.52241655183732*I), 1]x+1+0.*I').factor()

Or using Sage interval arithmetic:

sage: R.<x>=QQbar[]
sage: a=(x^5+x^3+17*x+1)
sage: a.roots()

[(-0.05881152231844944?, 1),
  (-1.331099917875796? - 1.522416551837318?*I, 1),
  (-1.331099917875796? + 1.522416551837318?*I, 1),
  (1.360505679035020? - 1.518808722099650?*I, 1),
  (1.360505679035020? + 1.518808722099650?*I, 1)]


Jason Grout

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