kcrisman wrote:
> On Nov 4, 2:22 pm, "ma...@mendelu.cz" <ma...@mendelu.cz> wrote:
>>> We might also have an option for "fixed in our version", as many times
>>> we will patch an spkg and simultaneously report it upstream.  When we
>>> eventually get the upstream fix in an update, we delete our patch.
>> In other words, is this preferred way to fix broken Maxima commands?
>> 1. Fix in maxima.spkg
>> 2. Add test that the fixed spkg is used.
>> I am asking because of work on 
>> trachttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7325
>> (fixed in CVS Maxima few days ago). I fixed Maxima part in python code
>> in the patch submitted to this trac, which seems to be not accepted.
>> And what abouthttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6479where I
>> fixed maxima commands ic2 and bc2 directly in Python code (lines
>> 322-328 and 341--346). Should this ticket been reopened and ic2, bc2
>> fixed as described above?
> It seems reasonable that one might be able fix or work around
> something in Python/Sage but not have the time/expertise to do so in
> the upstream package, so probably it would depend on the situation -
> better to fix a bug than not to fix it because you're required to fix
> it in the spkg.
> Upgrading spkgs all the time is also annoying, particularly since CVS
> versions sometimes break other things.  But if the bugfixer knew how
> to fix it in a local skpg upgrade, presumably no one would be opposed
> to that!
> - kcrisman

If one finds a workaround for a bug, IMHO one has a moral duty to let the 
upstream developer know of the bug. Tell them you have found a workaround, but 
it should still be reported upstream. So perhaps a

* Workaround found; Bug reported upstream

would be useful.

Failing to fix something properly due to lack of time/expertise seems very 
reasonable. Not bothering to tell the upstream developers of a bug since you 
have worked around it, is not.

So how about as a list:

1) N/A - Not an upstream bug
2) Not yet reported upstream; Will do shortly.
3) Reported upstream.
4) Fixed upstream
5) Workaround found; Bug reported upstream.
6) Completely fixed; Bug reported upstream

There might be some argument for splitting number #3, depending on the state of 
what the upstream developers say.

1) N/A - Not an upstream bug
2) Not yet reported upstream; Will do shortly.
3) Reported upstream. Little or no feedback.
4) Reported upstream. Developers acknowledge bug.
5) Reported upstream. Developers deny it's a bug.
6) Fixed upstream.
7) Workaround found; Bug reported upstream.
8) Completely fixed; Bug reported upstream

I think those 8 cover all I can think of, but there may be arguments for having 
more or less options.

One might argue for splitting the "Fixed upstream" into two, depending whether 
it is in a stable release, or CVS. For example, I'm aware of an issue on ECL, 
which has been fixed in the upstream CVS, but has not to my knowledge been 
in a stable release. In that case, there is some argument for not making a new 
.spkg, even if a fix exists.

That would give up 9 options. I think there might always be something which 
not fall into a nice category, so perhaps a 10th 'catch all' is needed too.

1) N/A - Not an upstream bug
2) Not yet reported upstream; Will do shortly.
3) Reported upstream. Little or no feedback.
4) Reported upstream. Developers acknowledge bug.
5) Reported upstream. Developers deny it's a bug.
6) Fixed upstream, in a later stable release.
7) Fixed upstream, but not in a stable release.
8) Workaround found; Bug reported upstream.
9) Completely fixed; Fix reported upstream
10) None of the above - read trac for reasoning.


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