On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> William Stein wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:36 AM, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The solution is simple. Have two versions of a package,
>>> say
>>> my-gpl-package.spkg
>>> my-gpl-package-with-all-nongpl-dependencies-autoloaded.spkg.
>>> The last differs from the first only in the license and a few lines of
>>> the installer script.
>> That's really simple for you.  From *my* point of view as
>> the-guy-who-has-to-post-all the spkg's, and make-sure-they-work, and
>> complain when they don't, the above just doubles my workload.
>> Regarding: "I was told that a GPL package must not install a non-GPL 
>> package."
>> The above can never legally come up, right?  If a program Foo is "GPL"
>> and fundamentally depends on a program Bar that is licensed
>> GPL-incompatible, then distributing Foo at all violates the GPL right?
>>   So if the above situation ever came up, I would not host said spkg
>> on sagemath.org, since I would be a copyright violator.
> There are functions in Sage (a GPL thing) which fundamentally rely on
> non-GPL things (for example, the mathematica interpreter function, or
> the interface to nauty, etc.).  We still think it's fine to ship Sage,
> though.

That's completely orthogonal to what I'm talking about. To say it
again: I do not feel comfortable distributing an spkg that can't be
built without first building and installing a GPL-incompatible spkg.
That's totally different than an spkg (or program like Sage or BASH)
that can be installed just fine wtihout the GPL-incompatible program,
but can make use of its functionality.

> I thought my-gpl-package-with-all-nongpl-dependencies-autoloaded.spkg
> didn't mean that you were distributing the gpl and nongpl things
> together, but rather that when you installed the gpl package (something
> that the *user* is doing, not the distributor), the install script
> downloaded and installed the non-gpl program as well.  The difference
> between the two spkgs would literally be:
> sage -i my-nongpl.spkg
> in the install file.
> Since you are *not* distributing the programs together, I don't see how
> the GPL applies.  The *user* is the one that is running the command to
> download the non-gpl program, and all linking or other dependencies are
> happening on the user's machine, at their request.  The result is not
> being distributed.

*Technically* this may be legal because currently I'm not distributing
the binary with both spkg's prebuilt.
However, I still do not at all feel comfortable with such
distribution.   In fact, I generally would like to very strongly
discourage anybody from creating any so-called GPL'd spkg (or other
programs) that cannot be built without linking in a GPL-incompatible
non-system library during **compile time**.   Though perhaps
technically legal, this is against my understanding of the spirit of
the GPL and certainly not good for the free software ecosystem.

 -- William

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