Nathann Cohen wrote:
> Hello everybody !!!
> Robert Miller ( who is currently working hard on his thesis -- good
> luck ! ) told me that GraphViz's licence had recently changed and may
> now be Sage-compatible... This would be a great news for us, as
> GraphViz is *THE* graph plotting tool that we need... Could anybody
> knowledgeable on such matters give us some light ? :-)
> Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu !!!
> Nathann
> P.S. And now I can go work on - my - thesis too :p

 From the FAQ on the license page: 

Does the CPL allow me to take the source code for a program licensed 
under it and include all or part of it in another program licensed under 
the GNU General Public License (GPL), Berkeley Software Distribution 
(BSD) license or other open source license?
No. Only the owner of software can decide whether and how to license it 
to others. Contributors to a Program licensed under the CPL understand 
that source code for the Program will be made available under the terms 
of the CPL. Unless you are the owner of the software or have received 
permission from the owner, you are not authorized to apply the terms of 
another license to the Program by including it in a program licensed 
under another open source license. By the way, the same answer applies 
if you want to include source code licensed under another open source 
license in a program licensed under the CPL.

So it sounds like nothing has changed for us?  The conditions about New 
York were what prevented GPL compliance before, I thought, and that 
hasn't changed either.


Jason Grout

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