On 2010-Feb-01 07:49:45 +0000, David Kirkby <david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
>I discovered that Sun do ship Open SSL 0.9.7, complete with any
>security fixes, with Solaris. Sun obviously have some agreement with
>the OpenSSL developers, as they will know of security vunrabilites
>before they are made public.

That's good.  I wasn't aware of it until you mentioned it.
They are part of SUNWopenssl-libraries - which looks like it's
new witH Solaris 10.  The Blog Post states that "some part of
OpenSSL lives" in Solaris 9 but we don't seem to have it
on our S9 hosts.

I'm not sure if SUNWopenssl-libraries is mandatory.  Definitely
we don't have the command line interface (the openssl command)
installed on our S10 boxes.

>The problem is that OpenSSL resides in a directory /usr/sfw/lib,
>kir...@t2:[~] $ ls /usr/sfw/lib/libssl*
>/usr/sfw/lib/libssl.so              /usr/sfw/lib/libssl.so.0.9.7
> /usr/sfw/lib/libssl_extra.so.0.9.7

And the 64-bit versions are in /usr/sfw/lib/sparcv9 - so you will
need different linker paths for 32-bit and 64-bit variants.

Peter Jeremy

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