Actually, this is really silly. The must be a multitude of packages
for Solaris which are distributed with binaries and which need these
libraries. How do they deal with this issue?

Is there a package installation system like apt-get or yum or rpm on
Solaris? They must surely deal with this issue somehow?


On 22 Feb, 21:01, Bill Hart <> wrote:
> -1 from me to including these libraries.
> Q1. Are there any other well-known packages which do this? If not, it
> is not a standard thing to do, probably for good reason.
> Cython uses the C compiler (if I understand correctly). I think this
> kills the idea dead.
> Q2. Would building Sage with the Sun CC compiler remove the need to
> have standard GNU libraries accessible somewhere? If so, how hard
> would it be to have Sage build with the Sun CC?
> Bill.
> On 22 Feb, 20:44, "Georg S. Weber" <> wrote:
> > On 22 Feb., 12:27, "Dr. David Kirkby" <> wrote:
> > > This came up on the thread "mercurial on t2" but I thought I'd start a new
> > > thread on it.
> > > I'd propose that we include in any binary distribution gcc's C, C++ and 
> > > Fortran
> > > shared libraries. They would be placed in $SAGE_LOCAL/lib. Then we can 
> > > ensure
> > > that people will run Sage with what libraries Sage was built with, rather 
> > > than
> > > what versions they may or may not have lying around.
> > > The amount of bloat this would add to the binary would be very small. For
> > > Solaris, the compressed sizes of the files are:
> > > -rwxr-xr-x   1 drkirkby staff       1.5M Feb 22 10:10 
> > >
> > > -rwxr-xr-x   1 drkirkby staff       717K Feb 22 10:10 
> > >
> > > -rw-r--r--   1 drkirkby staff        80K Feb 22 10:10
> > > So adding all 3 adds 2.3 MB of extra code to the binary. But given the 
> > > binary is
> > > 500 MB (not untypical), that is less than 0.5% of bloat.
> > > By doing this, we ensure that people
> > >   * Always have the libraries.
> > >   * Always have the exact same versions Sage was built with.
> > > I believe the Fortran library might already be included for Linux (I have 
> > > not
> > > checked), but I'd suggest all 3 were added to binaries.
> > > The C library is the one people most likely will have, but given it is by 
> > > far
> > > the smallest, we might as well include it to be 100% sure.
> > > Comments?
> > > Dave
> > Hi Dave,
> > this only is reasonable, if for building Sage we do not use the (or
> > "a") "system's default compiler". So on GNU/Linux, or Mac OS X, this
> > is almost a non-issue --- it's clear what this default compiler is,
> > and Sage uses it.
> > It's far less clear on Solaris, or e.g. on Windows. If some future
> > Sage is built with some Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, we will have to
> > tell the casual user exactly which additional msvc libraries (for msvc
> > 2008, or 2010, or ...) need to be installed on a "virgin" Windows in
> > order for Sage to be able to run. (These additional libraries are free
> > for download, but not free to distribute by others than Microsoft.)
> > But then, these libraries will be installed in some system location.
> > Back to the Solaris case --- as long as we do not have some "GCC
> > spkg", eventually optional, that installs the full GCC, I'm opposed to
> > install its compiler specific libraries under $SAGE_ROOT. Instead,
> > Sage should rely on them to be found in the standard system locations
> > --- or in the ones the user explicitly communicates to Sage via
> > environment variables.
> > Of course it would make sense to provide for Solaris some "minimal GCC
> > library install" specifically adapted for the need of potential Sage
> > users.
> > (Just like in the case of Microsoft not urging users to install the
> > full msvc, but providing some library-only package.) But IMHO, this is
> > outside the scope of our current model of fully relocatable yet
> > "open" (Sage) installs, so that would need to be offered somewhat in
> > parallel. (Otherwise, Sage would need to be yet far more paranoid
> > about taking in which dynamic libraries and how than today, see also
> > Robert's remark.)
> > Cheers,
> > Georg

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