On Mar 3, 2010, at 7:45 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

William Stein wrote:
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:56 PM, Dr. David Kirkby
<david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
    Right now it takes over 1.5 seconds every time.
wst...@sage:~$ time sage -c "print factor(2010)"
2 * 3 * 5 * 67
real    0m1.535s
user    0m1.140s
sys     0m0.460s
Personaly I don't find that too excessive for a large tool. How long does
Gimp take to start?
That's irrelevant.  What matters is how long Maple, Mathematica,
Matlab, Maxima, Pari, and Magma take to start.
After repeatedly running the command on sage.math, this is how things stabilize:
Pari           0.030s
Python      0.046s
Maple          0.111s
Maxima         0.456s
Mathematica    0.524s
Matlab         0.844s
Magma          0.971s
Sage           1.658s

Fair point.

Personally I have a bit of a problem understanding why I need to worry about a program starting up in less than 2 s, when I might run something on it which will take at least one order of magnitude longer, and probably several order of magnitudes longer.

I often run things that take an order of magnitude less time to run-- e.g. I'm reading a paper and want to try out a quick example to get a feel for something, or to factor (or even multiply) several digit numbers. It also makes it prohibitive to be used as a (non-persistent) web-service backend. I think partially it's a perception thing--one could argue the same about a web page--why should I worry about it taking 2 seconds to load/render if I'm going to spend an order of magnitude more time reading it? Also, on that note, people's very first exposure to Sage is waiting for it to start up--we don't want that to be memorable :)

On Mar 3, 2010, at 9:12 AM, Florent Hivert wrote:

I'm always surprised that they are many thing that I won't ever use that are imported at the top level of sage. Shouldn't we clean up what is imported and what is not imported by default and make it easy to import bunch of thing.

Once things are in the global namespace, it'll break peoples code to pull it back out. I don't think we should just dump everything we can there though.

For example, Many people certainly don't care about many stuff in
combinatorics. Shouldn't we import by default very basic thing (permutations and cartesian_product) and let the user who is interested in combinatorics
write the from sage.combinat import * ?

My 2 cents, which has probably already been discussed before...

I think we can have the names there without importing all the code behind everything. With tab completion, a huge global namespace isn't that bad.

- Robert

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