On 06/29/10 12:03 PM, François Bissey wrote:
Hi all,

this message is cross-posted between the gentoo-science and sage-devel
mailing lists.

So this is sage-4.4.4 and we have come a long way.
sage-on-gentoo is now usable for the majority of people and can be used
to test development ideas.

Good news.

* We only use the one blas - namely usually atlas because linbox favors it.

That sounds good, if  bulk could be removed from Sage.

Outstanding issues:
-singular: we really wish sage would move to the latest upstream.

I suspect the ONLY sensible way to do that would be to drop in new Singular, delete all record of all the patches to singular package, and create new patches as and when needed.

The patches have patches to the patches in singular. It's not helped by the fact nobody makes it too obvious what the patches are for. If there were trac ticket numbers by each one, it would make finding them a bit easier.

This section in spkg-install

    # work-around patches
    cp patches/mminit.cc src/kernel/
    cp patches/assert.h src/factory/
    cp patches/kernel.rmodulon.cc src/kernel/rmodulon.cc
    cp patches/src.Singular.Makefile.in src/Singular/Makefile.in
    cp patches/Singular.libsingular.h src/Singular/libsingular.h
    cp patches/factory.GNUmakefile.in src/factory/GNUmakefile.in
    cp patches/libfac.charset.alg_factor.cc src/libfac/charset/alg_factor.cc
    cp patches/kernel.Makefile.in src/kernel/Makefile.in
    cp patches/Singular.Makefile.in src/Singular/Makefile.in
    cp patches/Singular.tesths.cc src/Singular/tesths.cc

    if [ "$UNAME" = "CYGWIN" ]; then
# Fine to make this patch on any system, because it is code that is only compiled on Windows.
        cp patches/sing_win.cc src/Singular/
cp patches/IntegerProgramming-Makefile.in src/IntegerProgramming/Makefile.in

    #cp patches/Singular.configure src/Singular/configure
    #cp patches/Singular.configure.in src/Singular/configure.in

could be a lot more informative. Even reading SPKG.txt does not help a lot. That tells me.
=== singular-3-0-4-4-20080711.p1 (Michael Abshoff, September 1st, 2008) ===
* Fix three Solaris issues: libsingular build options, tail POSIX issue and install missing on Solaris
but I've got yet to dig deeper to find what tickets these might be attached to. I doubt many of these issues have been reported upstream.

Other records like:
* 20070823 Juan M. Bello Rivas <j...@superadditive.com>
 + dropped dependencies on flex and bison

were either not successful or someone has let the dependencies crepe back in.

I can understand no logic whatsoever for compiling profiling code (-pg option on gcc) into Singular. That should be for developers use, not added in the source to slow it down for every user.

If have been reading this far - thank you for your time.

You are welcome.

Christopher may add comments on anything that I forgot.



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