2010/6/30 cschwan <csch...@students.uni-mainz.de>:
> On 30 Jun., 16:05, "Georg S. Weber" <georgswe...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> Great work!
>> Actually, it makes me think about installing Gentoo just to test this
>> (I do know I don't have the time for this, but it does wet my mouth
>> nevertheless).
> I take this as a compliment - thanks !
>> Two further comments from me below:
>> > Outstanding issues:
>> ...
>> > -pexpect: version 2 is outdated, version 2.4 has trouble with graphics in 
>> > the notebook

  Do you see the problems in http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6900 ?
I confess I did not yet try a newer pexpect with sagenb, and that trac is about
the old notebook.

>> I think William had tried several newer versions of pexpect than the
>> one currently used in Sage, and the one and main drawback was a
>> serious performance regression hurting all these newer versions. Did
>> you check if/how the performance changed? I don't know exactly what
>> test cases William used, but he will surely tell, if we ask him.
> I can confirm this - newer version are extremely slow or do not work
> at all.

  I see this is a kind of a can of worms, but the pexpect interface is
also the reason of problems with clisp and gcl as maxima lisp backends
(readline and redirection of stderr issues), because pexpect allocates
a pty, but I think either it, or sage interface to it, doesn't make it
work as a fully functional terminal emulator. I also did not check
again recently the issue with gap, where it "scrolls horizontally" its
input, and somewhere there was a bug due to that, either in gap,
pexpect or most likely, iteration of both in that special case, but
the problem only did appear in the SaveWorkspace("some/long/path");
call, when that call had more the 80 characters (actually less, due to
gap> prompt and auto scroll when cursor would move to column 81).

  I hate to make a suggestion but not show the code :-) But I believe
the pexpect interface in sage requires a major rework. I would suggest
making it work as a "dumb" pipe connection, that would automatically
make the "other side" understand it is not in interactive mode, and
not use readline, terminal control sequences, etc, but that is when
the "can" is opened... and would certainly show all kinds of issues.
Nevertheless, if it is controlled by sage developers, it should be
easier to work with. I mean, possibly write a new sage to/from other
application interface, and drop pexpect.

>> > Future:
>> ...
>> > -gentoo-prefix: making sage available on other platform through 
>> > gentoo-prefix,
>> > Christopher is looking at this on windows and I have access OS X 10.5.
>> This is excellent news, again I wish my days had 30 hours (or more).
>> Cheers,
>> Georg


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