Hi Simon,

> wrote:
> > As far as I know it's the fastest implementation for medium size primes
> > (16 bits or so). For very small primes one can do better
> But actually linbox is already much faster over GF(3) than what is
> currently done in Sage.

Yep, it was just meant as a statement about the viability of the chosen 
strategy (using ATLAS)

> > It's a shame we are not using the libraries we ship to full potential but
> > so far no one stepped up (me included) to fix this situation.
> OK, but how much work would be needed? 

It depends on how far you want to go:

1) Only switch multiplication over to LinBox, that's probably easy to do

2) Switch everything to LinBox of FFLAS/FFPACK directly. This probably needs 
some hacking around.

> It appears to me that there is
> only very little overhead in calling the linbox routines (via
> sage.libs.linbox.linbox), since the data of a Matrix_modn_dense is
> already stored in the same format used by linbox (namely mod_int **).
> In particular, I wounder about your statement that the memory
> consumption would increase. Is that because of internal linbox
> computations?
> Here is how linbox is wrapped (see
> sage.matrix.matrix_modn_dense.Matrix_modn_dense._multiply_linbox):
>         ...
>         self._init_linbox()
>         sig_on()
>         linbox.matrix_matrix_multiply(ans._matrix, B._matrix,
> B._nrows, B._ncols)
>         sig_off()
> self._init_linbox() seems rather light-weight, and
> linbox.matrix_multiply is also a very thin wrapper of the linbox
> routines. Similarly, one proceeds with other routines (computing
> echelon form and so on)

Actually, this is how we are wrapping our wrapper for LinBox which is part of 
the LinBox SPKG. This is where the actual heavy lifting is done such as 
converting ints to doubles etc. So what you see in Sage gives you a misleading 

Btw. the reason why this wrapper exists is that LinBox takes so long to 
compile and takes so much memory. A harmless doctest change thus triggered a 
long compilation. Hence we outsourced it.
> Actually I think it would even be easy enough to call the linbox
> routines directly (without using the sage.libs.linbox.linbox wrapper,
> thus avoiding all overhead). Since I need fast matrix arithmetics over
> finite fields, I have some motivation to  rewrite _mul_ accordingly.

If one is serious about this then one should probably use the FFLAS/FFPACK 
low-level routines directly (Burcin might have some old patches for this, he's 
the last person I know of who tried) since that avoids compiling all thee 
layers of C++ in LinBox.

> But one question: Can linbox deal with non-prime finite fields?

They had some experimental code at some point IIRC but nothing for general 


name: Martin Albrecht
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