Hi Martin,

On 13 Jul., 12:11, Martin Albrecht <martinralbre...@googlemail.com>
> Do you know Tom Boothby's and Robert Bradshaw's excellent paper
>    Bitslicing and the Method of Four Russians Over Larger Finite Fields
>    http://arxiv.org/abs/0901.1413

Thank you for your hint!

> sage: P.<A2,A1,A0,B2,B1,B0> = PolynomialRing(GF(5))
> sage: R.<x> = P[]
> sage: Q.<x> = R.quo(x^3 + 3*x + 3)
> sage: f = (A2*x^2+A1*x+A0)
> sage: g = (A2*x^2+A1*x+A0)
> # so this is what we need to compute:
> sage: f*g
> (2*A2^2 + A1^2 + 2*A2*A0)*x^2 + (2*A2^2 - A2*A1 + 2*A1*A0)*x - A2*A1 + A0^2

That is the same as f*f. Did you intend to do
sage: g = (B2*x^2+B1*x+B0)
sage: f*g
(2*A2*B2 + A0*B2 + A1*B1 + A2*B0)*x^2 + (2*A2*B2 + 2*A1*B2 + 2*A2*B1 +
A0*B1 + A1*B0)*x + 2*A1*B2 + 2*A2*B1 + A0*B0

> sage: def my_mul(A2,A1,A0, B2,B1,B0):
> ...       A22 = A2._multiply_linbox(A2)
> ...       A2A1 = A2._multiply_linbox(A1)
> ...       A22_2 = 2*A22
> ...       C2 = (A22_2 + A1._multiply_linbox(A1) + 2*A2._multiply_linbox(A0))
> ...       C1 = (A22_2 - A2A1 + 2*A1._multiply_linbox(A0))
> ...       C0 = - A2A1 + A0._multiply_linbox(A2)
> ...       return C2,C1,C0

B2,B1,B0 are not used, it just computes the square of the first

f*g from above yields
sage: def my_mul(A2,A1,A0, B2,B1,B0):
....:     A0B0 = A0._multiply_linbox(B0)
....:     A0B1 = A0._multiply_linbox(B1)
....:     A0B2 = A0._multiply_linbox(B2)
....:     A1B0 = A1._multiply_linbox(B0)
....:     A1B1 = A1._multiply_linbox(B1)
....:     A1B2 = A1._multiply_linbox(B2)*2
....:     A2B0 = A2._multiply_linbox(B0)
....:     A2B1 = A2._multiply_linbox(B1)*2
....:     A2B2 = A2._multiply_linbox(B2)*2
....:     C2 = A2B2+A0B2+A1B1+A2B0
....:     C1 = A2B2+A1B2+A2B1+A0B1+A1B0
....:     C0 = A1B2+A2B1+A0B0
....:     return C2,C1,C0
sage: A = [random_matrix(GF(5),500,500) for _ in range(3)]
sage: B = [random_matrix(GF(5),500,500) for _ in range(3)]
sage: %time _ =my_mul(*(A+B))
CPU times: user 0.42 s, sys: 0.05 s, total: 0.47 s
Wall time: 0.48 s
sage: A = [random_matrix(GF(5),2000,2000) for _ in range(3)]
sage: B = [random_matrix(GF(5),2000,2000) for _ in range(3)]
sage: %time _ =my_mul(*(A+B))
CPU times: user 15.08 s, sys: 0.39 s, total: 15.46 s
Wall time: 15.51 s

It is a bit slower than MeatAxe (for 2000x2000 over GF(125), it needs
11.68 seconds on my computer), but I think that's not bad for the
first attempt.

Best regards,

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