
If somebody walked up to *you* and asked: "Is Sage now a viable
alternative to MATLAB?" what would you say?
I'm especially interested in what people who do numerical/applied
computation think.

My answer: "It's very difficult for *me* to answer this question
myself, because MATLAB is useless for most of my own
teaching/research/work, but I realize it is very widely used in
applied mathematics.   Based on going to Scipy and the resources I've
seen online, it appears that the Numpy/Scipy stack is extremely useful
to actual people doing numerical computation.      Maybe I'll try
asking on sage-devel."

[NOTE:  I am interested in people's answers, rather than somebody
hijacking this thread to try to define "viable alternative" or say
this isn't a scientific survey or something.  Please try not to hijack
this thread.  Thanks!]

 -- William

William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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