
On Sep 23, 12:32 am, Simon King <> wrote:
> I said two things.

I understand you now. (I think. :-))

> One statement was: The matrix term ordering should not interfere with
> the degrees of the generators. It must be possible to define
> generators in degree 2,3,4 and order the monomials with a matrix order
> given by a matrix that does not contain any of the number 2,3,4.

Right. We agree here.

> Sadly, Singular does not offer that flexibility (yet?).

We agree here, too. Will you be at Sage Days, and are you planning to
talk to the Singular team about this?

> And since
> multivariate polynomial rings in Sage largely depend on Singular, it
> might be difficult to work around in Sage.

This is why my original idea was merely to change the documentation by
adding the one word & an example. After talking to you about it,
though, I started to think of what Maarten has proposed.

> However, the other statement was: *If* one has defined a polynomial
> ring with generators x,y,z in degrees 2,3,4, then (x*y*z).degree()
> should return 9; returning 3 would be a bug. (x*y*z).degrees() should
> return (1,1,1).

I think this would be a bit confusing for the user. I think Maarten
has the right idea: we could use degree(), degrees(), and
total_degree() to respect the grading, noting that this is determined
by the first row of a matrix ordering, and use exponent(),
exponents(), and exponent_degree() for the exponents. I've also seen
"log" used in some papers as an analog for exponent().

I have create a ticket for this at trac #11847.

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