On Sat, 21 Jan 2012 at 12:35PM -0600, Jason Grout wrote:
> Can people test this functionality before we try to add it to the
> sage notebook?  If you have an iOS or Android device, create an
> interact at aleph.sagemath.org and try manipulating the controls.
> The author says the code is not thoroughly tested, etc, but it does
> seem to work well.

The "print n*n" @interact from the recent singlecell thread works great
on my Nexus S (Android 2.3.4) with the stock browser.

I did discover a problem, though: I tried this

def f(n=(1..10)):
    print n*n, '한'

In the ordinary notebook (Sage 4.7.2), it works as expected. But on
aleph.sagemath.org, I get a blank output, on both my Android phone and
in Chrome on my Macbook. It doesn't print any messages, I just get a
blank line. I get the same thing if I write u'한'. 

It works if I use '\xed\x95\x9c'.

Is this expected? I'm fine if the answer is "UTF-8/Unicode input isn't
supported yet."


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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