On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 at 11:32AM +0200, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> Now that we're (hopefully) nearing the sage-5.0 release, I am doing
> some timings again. We don't yet have proper automatic timing testing,
> but with some simple scripting I discovered that plotting has severely
> slowed down. I haven't figured out precisely why.
> For example the following command (inspired on a doctest from
> devel/sage/sage/plot/plot.py):
> sage: time
> plot(sin(x),(x,0,2*pi),ticks=pi/3,tick_formatter=pi).save("/tmp/jdemeyer/1.png")

Here are timings on sagenb.kaist.ac.kr, using "timeit(above plot command)":

sage-4.7.2 1 loops, best of 20: 859 ms per loop
sage-4.8 1 loops, best of 20: 851 ms per loop
sage-5.0.beta1 1 loops, best of 20: 1.21 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta2 not available
sage-5.0.beta3 1 loops, best of 20: 1.21 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta4 1 loops, best of 20: 1.27 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta5 1 loops, best of 20: 1.2 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta6 1 loops, best of 20: 1.21 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta7 1 loops, best of 20: 1.22 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta8 1 loops, best of 20: 1.21 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta9 1 loops, best of 20: 1.26 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta10 not available
sage-5.0.beta11 1 loops, best of 20: 1.22 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta12 1 loops, best of 20: 1.22 s per loop
sage-5.0.beta13 1 loops, best of 20: 1.22 s per loop

So we need to look at the prealphas (which I don't have built) and see
what happened between 4.8 and 5.0.beta1.


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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