On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 at 08:18PM -0500, Jason Grout wrote:
> Can you try commenting out these 2 lines in plot.py:
>         # tight_layout adjusts the *subplot* parameters so ticks
> aren't cut off, etc.
>         figure.tight_layout()
> in the current beta and seeing if that fixes the problem?  I could
> see that line causing a slowdown, as it is adjusting things so that
> images look nicer (i.e., things don't get cut off, etc.)

In beta13, with that line commented out I get 963 ms per loop, versus
1.22 s with it uncommented.

So that fixes some of the problem, but not much...


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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